This is a judgmental title and I will immediately admit that I am generalising with it. It’s not something I actually believe. However, I am having a little rant and a dig at my dear uncle in this post and therefore feel I have the right to say as I please. I don’t agree with some of the CAMRA bashing that has gone on in recent years. Though I have never, and will never, be a member, I applaud the work they do, changes they’ve brought and know quite a few who are supportive and active volunteers. But you can’t defend the indefensible and I’m afraid that often CAMRA members become their stereotype and don’t help themselves. My Uncle Dave was once chairman of his local CAMRA branch, (from Dewsbury but I don’t know which sect that is and won’t name it purposely.) He was a man who introduced me to many different beers and pubs and someone who I’ve often enjoyed having a pint with. Not only has he taken me to different beer festivals and taught me about different styles but he a...