For some time I've wanted to write a series of posts titled "The Craft Beer Bubble" that will highlight some of the basic elements of beer drinking culture that my peers forget. These were prompted in part by somebody, wrongly in my opinion, exhalting that the "Beer Bubble had burst and that Beer is mainstream now." This was aided by this excellent post atThe Snap and the Hiss about drinking culture misunderstandings. Whilst this was always going to be one of the topics covered in these posts, the events of a certain AGM from last weekend have pushed it to the front of the queue. There is an element of beer drinking that is easily missed or forgotten amongst the interior squabbling about the relevance of Europe's largest consumer group CAMRA. (I won't be covering the events so for those a little behind, this Boak and Bailey piece nicely rounds things up.) People like cask beer. People prefer cask beer. There ar...