The Friends & Family & Beer Festival This has been even longer coming than anticipated but we cannot move properly into 2020 until it is complete. Plus, celebrating the positives happens but once a year (twice if you count the number of posts this has taken.) Post number one is here and explained my break from traditional Golden Pints. I’ve tried to keep some of the details as brief as possible as it is a long list but here are my mentions for my favourite breweries, events, spaces and beer media from 2019. Breweries Burning Sky It seems nearly unnecessary to mention Burning Sky in such accolades but I have somehow contrived to overlook them in previous years. Perhaps surprisingly best known for their 750ml mixed fermented specials, they have also had perfect cask offerings for years. That I chose to spend much of Indy Man drinking only their beers speaks volumes but also comes as little surprise. Unrivalled Yonder Brewing ...