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Showing posts from September, 2018

Taking a Moment with a Beer

Find your happy place. The advice given on a couple of occasions felt clichéd as if it were the chapter heading in a self-help book from a conniving business writer. But it was honest. It had seen me through many evenings. I was tweeting from my little shed a few months ago, whilst sat enjoying a couple of beers, when somebody asked me a rather obvious question: “Why do you drink beer in the shed? Are you not allowed to drink in the house?” I giggled at first then realised it was a genuine question. It does seem odd. It would seem so to outsiders. I’m obviously allowed to drink in the house. I think it was still winter when I was asked and I’d chosen to sit in a dark, wooden, leaning shack with a hot water bottle stuffed down my jumper rather than the far-too-comfortable sofa in front of the fire inside a brick house. It is more than a shed to me though. It has become my happy place. The garden as a whole has, but this is one area that has a selfishly calming effe...