“Shut the fuck up bitch, eat a dick bitch, eat a bowl of shit bitch. Munch on a mouthful of balls in halls and malls, just shut the fuck up bitch and work your jaws” Kurupt – Your GyrlFriend A few days ago, this delightful ditty came around on the shuffle of my iTunes. I hadn’t heard it for some time, but it has been on various cassette, CD and now digital playlists of mine since its release on Kurupt’s 1999 album Tha Streetz iz a Mutha . I was 12-years-old when I first heard it. It was just music to me then and don’t think it affected my feelings towards certain genders. But hearing it in 2015 – some 16 years later - was the first time I stopped and thought about just how sick the lyrics were. I’m a big Hip Hop fan. The genre takes up over 90% of the music I own. Yet it has long been – and still is – rife with misogyny and sexism. The world is becoming wiser and less tolerable to it, though. Rappers are losing favour and sponsorship deals based solely on the misogyni...