A couple of discussions seemed to have passed me by in the last couple of weeks and, when I did eventually pick up on them, roused some interest upon reading. The first was an article by Glynn Davis for Beer Insider, the second was a Hopinions podcast Twitter poll and the resulting audio show. Both referred to the discussion of whether a half pint should be half the price of a full pint. Whilst the results of the Twitter poll at least were fairly one sided, there were still discussions justifying any difference in pricing; areas where half a pint may be more than a full pint because there is some sort of strenuous extra labour involved in its production. With this I have discovered new types of bars that have interesting pay structures. The argument seems to be that the labour costs are the same for serving a half as they are a pint and that must be reflected in the price one pays. Therefore, there are areas in the country where people either are or belie...