It looks like I'm going to have to talk again. I've given it 5 days to make sure I want to publish this. I wrote the post, I got it out of my system, it went a touch astronomical and, most importantly, I was thanked again and again for writing it. I was thanked by people who had experienced similar issues, by people who had comparable stories to tell but hadn't shared them and by people to whom it mattered most as a subject; the people for whom it was a real issue that isn't spoken about enough. A real issue ; one that needs to be discussed more and more if it is ever going to be seen as one. Because as predictable as it was, there were a few that grumbled at me. There were a few who were downright offensive. They don't see it as an issue. There was one individual who started spouting genuine nonsense on Twitter and you could feel his inner turmoil coming through the tweets. I could feel him struggling to come to terms with the idea that what hap...