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Showing posts from April, 2019

Beer is Available in Supermarkets

Thanks to @Adam_G_Manning for the photo and everyone else who offered to help on Twitter   This beer blog has become a near eternal snake of content but at least I’m distinctly aware of it. First comes the repeated speeches every time a brewery sells up to a large multinational. Then comes the turn of brouhaha because a supermarket has changed its range of beers. It must be that time of year and I still feel as impassioned to comment.  It was, once again, the major retailer T esco who increased their range two and a half weeks ago - this time with additions including North Brew Co and Magic Rock - for the second time in 6 months. I felt the need to make comment about the bewildering excitement then, just as I did in 2016 with the arrival of Dale's Pale and Pinner . This time there has been further furore, both from people that see the positives and negatives, aided by successful marketing tactics that has led to an awful lot of commentary.  Late to...

It is when rock breaks its silence that it crumbles to dust

Under a warm southern May sky in 2017, after the greatest sporting moment of my life , I am being swept towards a tube station amongst a throng of 90,000 people. In the search for my party who I've become separated from, I spot a familiar face in celebratory mood - Founder and Managing Director of Magic Rock Brewing , Richard Burhouse .  It shouldn't be a surprise - Richard is a huge Huddersfield Town fan - but it was a pleasant reminder of the community value of the football club that I support. A team guided to the promised land under a local chairman and fan in Dean Hoyle has always kept deep ties to the town it exists in. And here, in Magic Rock, is my second favourite Huddersfield based team.    The machine continues on. We are almost becoming immune to the issues and discussions occurring each time a multi-national business takes a controlling stake in a British brewery. There is little new to add, though the same arguments are held on socia...