“Every time the same arguments are had. But you live and learn, so they say, except, actually, they never do.” This was written by myself, last year, in reference to the farcical events of the 2014 Manchester Beer & Cider Festvial at the National Cycling Centre. The events of that infamous Saturday, as I stood by the foreign beer bar watching insanity ensue around me, could have turned the most ardent supporter of festivals into stay-at-home drinkers. It was hilarious and infuriating all at once. They never learn, I thought - but, guess what, they did. Because this year was terrific. I’m capable of education too, since much of last year’s post raged on about a “sanctimonious trade session” that I blamed for much of the beer’s disappearance. This was, as it would seem, not entirely true and to add a little irony to the fold I was going to Wednesday’s trade session this year for redemption or possible ambush. I was always going to be there Saturday to attend with those w...