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Showing posts from April, 2016


Witnessing the phenomenon of Britain's most famous new wave brewery alongside their people on AGM weekend The sound check has occurred, the stands are filled and the final few who grabbed a last minute beer are taking their floor seats. The background music stops, the light dims and an expectant whooping and cheering from the crowd rises. A pantomime horse jounces onto the stage before separating to allow the fans a glimpse at their band members. They are   James Watt   and   Martin Dickie   performing a routine to a few thousand people, mostly adoring fans. On stage they are comfortable; rebounding off each other like Ant and Dec or   Barry and Paul . The performance's mix between the usual self-fellatio and less familiar self-deprecation draws plenty of laughs and cheers from the crowd. There is the feel of camaraderie between the pair and the easy taunting of each other that has come with years of friendship. Rewind 24 hours and the pair are slightly d