T he Transpennine Rail Ale Trail remains an infamous day out in the Tameside/Greater Manchester area. Running from Batley-Dewsbury-Huddersfield-Stalybridge and every stop in between, the “Ale Trail” or “Ale Train” as it is more commonly known in these parts has not been without controversy. It’s continual huge popularity has brought large disruptions to local railway services, residents of some of the stops and the pubs involved. Stalybridge Buffet Bar , that most use as a starting and/or finishing post on the trail, has suffered but adapted to it’s weekly influx of visitors. Whilst I still remain of the view that you can’t and shouldn’t try to put a stop to people enjoying themselves for a day out, the Rail Ale Trail has understandably put a great strain on a pub situated on public transport. Numerous Jobsworths can interfere and make life very difficult for those running the pub, and even threaten its future. These are mostly nameless Suits who need to be seen to be justif...