Though I have two favourite websites to purchase beer from – Beers of Europe and Beer Ritz – I am always willing to try other companies if the choice excites me. After getting excited about the choice on Beer Merchants, only to find they have nothing in stock, I stumbled across Alesela via reading somebody’s blog (that I have since forgotten whose, apologies.) I was impressed with the offerings of predominantly Scottish brewers, many of whom I was unaccustomed with, and decided to place an order. Many of these Scottish Breweries unfamiliar to me here are brewing beers in the styles favoured presently; Black IPA’s and such forth being my meaning here. Many of the product descriptions seemed to refer to American hops and big, aromatic flavours. So I tried to purchase a range that would give me good judgement on these new breweries. I purchased at least two beers from most of them. Below is a quick summary of one of the beers tasted from the majority of the new breweries t...