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Showing posts from June, 2013

A Septet of Scottish Beers

Though I have two favourite websites to purchase beer from – Beers of Europe and Beer Ritz – I am always willing to try other companies if the choice excites me. After getting excited about the choice on Beer Merchants, only to find they have nothing in stock, I stumbled across Alesela via reading somebody’s blog (that I have since forgotten whose, apologies.)   I was impressed with the offerings of predominantly Scottish brewers, many of whom I was unaccustomed with, and decided to place an order. Many of these Scottish Breweries unfamiliar to me here are brewing beers in the styles favoured presently; Black IPA’s and such forth being my meaning here. Many of the product descriptions seemed to refer to American hops and big, aromatic flavours. So I tried to purchase a range that would give me good judgement on these new breweries. I purchased at least two beers from most of them. Below is a quick summary of one of the beers tasted from the majority of the new breweries t...

Credit Where Credit is Due - Mossley Organics & Fine Foods

I feel I have done a disservice to a good old friend of mine and it would be prudent to put that right when possible. You see, I recently wrote a blog post praising the opening of Beermoth in Manchester, I even wrote an e-mail to Beers of Europe giving them praise after they did me a particular favour. But I have neglected to give the required veneration to one particular shop that I probably frequent for beer more than any other. For Christmas 2011 my Father bought me a bottle of Millstone Tiger Rut. This in itself may seem unimpressive to you, despite my praise of Millstone’s beers in various blogposts , however the significance of this purchase was not lost on me. Where the hell did he find it? Although Millstone are the most local of local breweries to me, I had never seen them in bottles. Mossley Organics he said he had found it and vowed we’d go up together soon. Now, Mossley Organic Shop is less than 3 miles away from my house but, not visiting the town centre often ...


I tend not to blog about individual beers, aside from my Advent Calendar venture in December. Even when I’ve had a single beer worth writing about , it’s led to further proclamations and deciphering thoughts. Perhaps I’ve been intentionally avoiding making this a blog that is solely beer reviews, but the right beer does deserve the right stage.   I could probably name my top 5 favourite beers if I truly stopped to think about it. I could possibly consult untappd to see which few beers have ever received a five star rating from me, and whilst there are plenty of 4’s or 4.5’s knocking about, I can’t remember the last time something blew me away quite like the Mikkeller and Three Floyds collaboration Hvedegoop . As a huge Barley Wine fan and huge Mikkeller fan, as soon as I first heard of the “goop” collaborations, I knew they were something I had to get my hands on. Any further blogs I read, or even the odd YouTube review, just confirmed that they were for me. Of cours...