"Everyone is singing, I hear those sleigh bells ringing Santa, won't you bring me the one I really need? Won't you please bring my baby to me? Perhaps a sign of my (rapidly ending) youth, but Saltaire Brewery feel like they've been around forever. Perhaps the fact that they opened the year I moved to Leeds, 2005 - and were frequently available there - has something to do with this. Based in Saltaire, just outside of Bradford, for a long time this brewery was synonymous with my introduction to the Cascade hop, as well as their excellent Raspberry Blonde. Obviously, Saltaire are adapting with the times and are now doing kegged beers and styles such as Black IPAs. But, for me, they are masters aof the 4-5% cask ale. So, Christmas is rapidly approaching and thanks to the masses who spray deodorant directly into the O-Zone layer and drop petrol into the atmosphere (as is my understanding) we're unlikely to get a white Christmas this year or any afte