"Now I think we collectively as a people
Should rise against this corporate jolly noise
And tell the world 'Let's buy some piece and quiet for a change'
Before we spend it all on fucking toys"
I'm finding it difficult to write about this beer as the reindeer on the label is likely to take my soul if I say anything negative.
I'd like to tell you about Oakleaf Brewery from Gosport, Hampshire being founded in 2000 and how I've never come across any of their beers before but I'm afraid that I might be saying it all under duress as those evil eyes watch me from the bottle as I take each sip from my glass. I'm not sure what this Reindeer's "delight" is but I can only assume it comes from harvesting souls or coming around on Christmas eve to kidnap humans to feast on for the next 365 days. This reindeer is humourless, soulless and lifeless, which is ironic when we consider the beer...

Christmas Spirit Rating: .......................................................
Revisit: Boggart's Christmas Rum Porter
The explosive Noel de Calabaza