How one picture shows how far Beer Events have come within my own beer corner in eleven years. Whilst recently clearing out some stuff my mother happened upon the above newspaper cutting from Thursday 8th September 2005. As with all such memorabilia it shows a frozen moment in time and one that instantly spawned the words of this post. What we are looking at is an image from the 14th annual Saddleworth Beer Festival as reported on by the Oldham Advertiser. To shed further light on the information already given the top row (left to right) consists of my father, my brother and long-time friend Wes. The bottom row (left to right) holds my adoptive-Uncle Simon, real Uncle David and Aunt Marie. Here are my family in the local paper enjoying a beer festival eleven years ago. A further caveat is that this was one of three consecutive years that my family group, with a few additions on top of this in other years, made the main picture to coincide with this o...