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Showing posts from December, 2017


There’s a strong possibility that they’ll be a review of the year in January when all these festivities are out of the way, so let’s just delve into a rather discursive Golden Pints for 2017. Also I’m aware that there’s a North-West bias to a fair few of these answers, but this is more indicative of where 95% of my drinking occurs rather than some forced local loyalty. Best UK Cask Beer: Fyne Ales – Jarl The pub goes quiet. The needle screeches across the vinyl as the music stops. All eyes are fixed on this unexpected decision. It’s true that my love for a certain Pale Ale on cask made this decision assumedly predictable. Yet the once undulating Jarl has been on staggeringly good form this past 12 months. It wins because, whilst my experiences of Track Brew Co’s Sonoma have been confined to pubs within a 10 mile radius of the brewery, I’ve had Jarl across the UK in 2017 so gained a larger scope for it. The form this year has led to me having n...