There’s a strong possibility that they’ll be a review of the year in January when all these festivities are out of the way, so let’s just delve into a rather discursive Golden Pints for 2017.
Also I’m aware that there’s a North-West bias to a fair few of
these answers, but this is more indicative of where 95% of my drinking occurs
rather than some forced local loyalty.
Best UK Cask Beer: Fyne Ales – Jarl
The pub goes quiet. The needle screeches across the vinyl as the
music stops. All eyes are fixed on this unexpected decision.
It’s true that my love for a certain Pale Ale on cask made this decision assumedly predictable. Yet the once undulating Jarl has been
on staggeringly good form this past 12 months. It wins because, whilst my
experiences of Track Brew Co’s Sonoma have been confined to pubs within a 10
mile radius of the brewery, I’ve had Jarl across the UK in 2017 so gained a
larger scope for it. The form this year has led to me having numerous Jarls
when in areas where we were only stopping for a pint. “Sorry,
I’m going to have to have another Jarl – it’s too good.” Every damn time.
Honourable mentions: Track
Brew Co - Sonoma, The Five Points Brewing Co - Railway Porter, Legitimate Industries –
Double Agent Stout, Three Chimneys - Good King Henry
Best UK Keg Beer: Beavertown Brewery/3 Floyd's – Tempus Project Heavy Lord
It takes something special to stop me in my tracks at the
grand social festival that Indy Man Beer Con has become. It takes something
extra special to make me remember every sip through the haze of the afternoon.
It takes something exceptional for me to give it this award when I’ve only
tasted a single one-third measure of a beer. This beer covered all that.
Honourable Mentions:
Cloudwater Brew Co - Chubbles, Torrside Brewing - BA Rauchwine, Elusive Brewing
- Love Action 12”, Marble Brewery – Count de Villefort
Best UK Bottled Beer: Torrside Brewing - Rauchwine
This didn’t win Bottle of the Year last year but I cited that it
could be improved upon in 2017. I was right. This year’s version was chortingly
good; just smile and shake your head at its silliness. How do you exist? The
easiest award to give on this list.
Honourable Mentions:
Torrside Brewing - American Barleywine, Torrside Brewing - White Barleywine,
Torrside Brewing - Sorachia, Marble Brewery - Portent of Usher
Best UK Canned Beer: Magic Rock Brew Co/Other Half – Half Cut
The sheer number of tallboy big IPAs I had this year meant that
even some reasonably decent ones have faded to memory. Not Half-Cut though. My
brother and I shared a can of this in Beer & Burger in London. We both
tasted it, smiled at the glass, smiled at the can, smiled at each other and
then savoured every sip. I proceeded to buy any can of it that I saw, including
the last in the local much to the grievance of one of the staff.
Honourable Mentions: Cloudwater Brew Co - Birthday DIPA,
Cloudwater Brew Co - Petillant Naturel Houblonée, Northern Monk Brew Co -
Double Heathen
Best Overseas Draught Beer: Brouwerij Kees - Lvstro.
The rise in the amount of brilliant UK beer alongside the sheer
amount of new beers to try means that my overseas tasting was fairly limited to
mostly beer festivals or events. It was the classics mentioned in the
Honourable Mentions that mostly stood out, but Lvstro – an Imperial Smoked
Coffee Porter - on keg at The Grove was something to savour.
Honourble Mentions: Saison Dupont, XX Bitter, Brouwerij Kees –
Caramel Fudge Stout
Best Overseas Brewery: Brouwerij Kees
Of course I naturally give it every year to Brauerei Heller but I
felt that much of Kees output has been outstanding and varied enough to deserve
special mention this year.
Best Overall Beer: Torrside Brewing – Rauchwine
it’s rather niche style might not make this the most approachable beer for the
so-juicy-you-may-as-well-have-been-irrumated-by-a-satsuma fanboys, but I will
struggle for many years to find a beer as perfectly suited to my own tastes.
Best Branding: Northern Monk Brew Co
Already solid and identifiable on the shelf with their core
range, the artistry and originality (to this industry) behind the Patrons
Project series is just magical.
Honourable Mention: Perhaps my favourite core range Branding
would be the Magic Rock cans and the, ironically Same but Different approach to
the Tallboys is a thing of beauty.
Pub/Bar of the Year: The Grove, Huddersfield
Inexplicably it isn’t a destination for the huge influx of Beer
Tourists coming into Huddersfield in the past two years. It is, however, my
favourite place to drink in the land. Exceptional range of beer, excellent
prices (if that’s your bag) and wonderful staff past and present.
Honourable Mentions: Harvey Leonard’s Ale & Wine Bar, Salt
Horse, Mason & Co, Cafe Beermoth.
Best Brewery Tap: Beer Nouveau
Manchester is nearly as famous as Bemondsey for its number of
railway archway brewery taps.The one that I prefer to spend my time is the cosiest, most pub-like one of the bunch. Less school chairs, more sofas please.
Best Brewery Taphouse: Buxton Taphouse
I insist on distinguishing betweeen a Brewery Tap and a Taphouse, I've included
this extra category. There are some excellent ones in these parts, but Buxton's
has the edge by having the delightful feel of apub that's been there
years against an incredible beer range.
Best New Brewery 2017...
Seriously, I’ve had so many breweries that are new-to-me this
year I don’t know what was opened this year, last year or even four years ago.
All I know is that none have made me sit up and take serious interest. There’s
been some good beers out there but nothing that warrants this individual award.
Best Brewery 2017: Torrside Brewing
Since January there has been a two horse race for my Brewery of
the Year, each overtaking the other at one point or another. Each brews an
exceptional range of styles and just about always nails it. Not many breweries
can claim the repertoire of beers that Torrside Brewing has, that even includes
a couple of MILDS alongside Bitters, Pales Ales, Schwarzbier, Rauchbier,
Barleywine, IPAs, DIPAs, TIPAs, Stouts, Porters etc. They lacked a solid drinkable
cask Pale for a while but now both Yellow Peak and Route 366 are two of my
favourite pint-drinking beers in the country. Arguably, the one style they
hadn’t perfected was the flavour-of-the-month Double/Triple IPA, but I now
refer you to Double Spartacus.
All this without the Monster’s series, that are always good,
usually exceptional. This is the series that puts them top of the tree for me.
The technical ability – alongside the experimental use of smoke flavours
(something that the UK brewing scene has really lacked) - astounds
me more than any other British brewery.
It almost pains me to not be able to give it to Marble Brewery
who have had a superb 2017. I struggle to think of better examples of their
styles than Damage Plan, Black Sunshine or Your Betrayl. They too can boast
quite the range of styles in just these past 12 months; who else is brewing
Maibocks and Adambiers here? Add the Old Ale series and Barley Wine at the end
of the year and they really have been (almost) peerless. My smoked beer
obsession is what tips them into second.
Beer Festival of the Year: Peakender 2017
Perhaps this wasn’t strictly a beer festival but it was the
first time I’d visited and I had such a terrific time. There was definitely
enough different beers over the two days I was there for this to qualify as a
festival of beer as much as anything.
Honourable Mentions: Indy Man Beer Con, Leeds International
Festival, Independent Salford Beer Festival

Best Street Food Vendor: Holy Crab UK
I considered making this a category
then reconsidered. Eventually though I’ve chosen to include it because it does
matter to me. When out in Manchester or Huddersfield, with some pubs and
brewtaps using Street Food Vendors, I do check to see who is on and where. For
example, I often go the Grove in Huddersfield on matchdays. But I do check who
the weekend vendor is at Magic Rock Tap and if it is the marvellous Holy Crab
then I’m off straightaway for a Crab Balls fix.
Similarly, I have been known to choose which of Manchester’s many Brewery Taps I visit if one of them is offering the always gorgeous Nasi Lemak (Honorouable Mention.)
Similarly, I have been known to choose which of Manchester’s many Brewery Taps I visit if one of them is offering the always gorgeous Nasi Lemak (Honorouable Mention.)
Best Food and Beer Destination: Grub / Mayfield MCR / Fairfield Social Club.
Okay, I’m just adding this
category to give an award for the great work done by the whole Grub team, but
they deserve a mention. The spaces they’ve used and created at both Mayfield Station and now the Fairfield Social Club are incredible and their dedication
to great food and great beer companies is second to none.
Best Beer Podcast: Hopinions
“Let’s crack open a beer and share some thoughts.” The
only one I mke sure I listen to. You know what also makes it easy? A DOWNLOAD
BUTTON. I do come across Podcasts frequently that I have a hard time listening
to. “Oh just download such and such an app and install su...” Nope. Hopinions
have proven this isn’t necessary.
Aside from this I do enjoy the relaxed content and
audience participation here, otherwise I wouldn't bother.
Best Beer Blog 2017
I enjoy a lot of beer blogs
still and read as many as I can. It’s been another transition
year as some of my old favourites have been retired or the writer’s are now
working in the industry instead. Still, there are plenty out theree and I’ve
decided to list just a sample of my favourites from the past year. (I could
easily have made this list three times as long.)
I’ve not been alone this year in stating that I don’t understand why Alec doesn’t have 5000 followers and isn’t one of the most popular writers in the country. Every post is so evocative and draws you in. I’d say Alec is probably the best wordsmith amongst beer bloggers.
I’ve not been alone this year in stating that I don’t understand why Alec doesn’t have 5000 followers and isn’t one of the most popular writers in the country. Every post is so evocative and draws you in. I’d say Alec is probably the best wordsmith amongst beer bloggers.
Pete is perfect for blogging. Concise yet descriptive. Opionated without being ranty. Informative without being over-bearing. He writes in 500 words what takes me 3000 to say. It’s a talent.
Pete is perfect for blogging. Concise yet descriptive. Opionated without being ranty. Informative without being over-bearing. He writes in 500 words what takes me 3000 to say. It’s a talent.
The Godparents of blogging still have me reading about [1920’s pubs in Hemel Hempstead] and somehow have me interested. Little snippets of informative blogs punctuated by calming reason when bickering breaks out. And the only tasting note posts I generally read.
The Godparents of blogging still have me reading about [1920’s pubs in Hemel Hempstead] and somehow have me interested. Little snippets of informative blogs punctuated by calming reason when bickering breaks out. And the only tasting note posts I generally read.
The blogging style I enjoy most is no-nonsense, honest opinion and derisory when it is necessary; not “everything in beer is great.” Nate encompasses this. I especially enjoy the “Pubs of Norwich” posts because I like to see beer bloggers actually use any pubs; not just shiny new “craft” places
A quiet year for Dave which is a shame because when it’s good, it’s good. Especially when the rants come out.
A quiet year for Dave which is a shame because when it’s good, it’s good. Especially when the rants come out.
Jim hasn’t been all about this beer yet but that hasn’t been a bad thing. I’ve been in tears a few times but writing is important. Jim also possesses his own unique style of writing more so than anybody else.
Jim hasn’t been all about this beer yet but that hasn’t been a bad thing. I’ve been in tears a few times but writing is important. Jim also possesses his own unique style of writing more so than anybody else.
Myles can join Alec as one of the more underrated bloggers. His posts are infrequent but show a natural flair and solid opinion when they arrive.
That completes another year of excellent beer. We’ll look forward to
2018 in a post after Christmas. In the mean time, have a great Christmas