For a few months Manchester has sounded like Salad Fingers with its constant repetition of the word Tap. There’s going to be a Tap. There’s going to be two Taps. There’s already a Taps that has nothing to do with these Taps. One Tap is owned by those that brought you other Taps and Tapped but the other Tap isn’t related to other Taps except that one Tap in London. TAPS. Friday 20 th March finally saw the launch of one of these Taps – the Piccadilly Tap on Station Approach – albeit a soft launch. My understanding is this is the Bloomsbury Leisure Tap , not the Pivovar one that was set to launch in Ancoats, but honestly my head is so full of taps I stopped caring weeks ago. I’d read a few criticisms by Tweet of the Piccadilly Taps feeling unfinished, which is rather pointless considering it is unfinished and they have been very honest about that fact. It wasn't until Thursday though that I made my inaugural entrance to the place. It's fairly easy to walk past t...