Orangery behind Westgate station For an introduction as to why I am bothering with these ventures, please see the beginning of Part 0 here. Wakefield was always a different sort of Yorkshire city. I have spent many an hour trying to defend the "It's a shithole" reviews that others would give it, with little arsenal to use. Even those that lived and breathed the place would refer to it as "The Shake" with a knowing glint in their eye as they pictured the metaphorical tin of polish used to try and add some shine here. I don't even mean to be too disparaging to Wakey. I knew it well. I lived close by in 2005 and 2006 for university and part boarded in the region for various reasons between 2008 and 2011. Back in my first stint here, we were out every Thursday for student night, although the number of students in attendance was rather low. No, student nights were for the locals and they would be out in force. And would be again on Friday...