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Showing posts from March, 2017

Discovering Glossop: A Pub Crawl

Within the world of hype, fuss and circle jerks, I'm trying to rekindle my love of discovering pubs. This isn't a determined and rebellious stance; more of a return to practising what I preach. I love pubs in all shapes, areas and forms. As we keep losing those around us and the only venue promotions come to newly formed craft beer chapels I want to take in what is left in areas around me.  For reasons relating to my current personal status I've been spending much more time in Glossop; a hillside town placed just as Greater Manchester becomes Derbyshire. Glossop is an odd little town with an odd local reputation. On the one hand, growing up in the town of Stalybridge, Glossop was considered by us to be a rather quaint, picturesque Derbyshire town with such family outing places as Manor Park to enjoy. Having been decidedly little as an adult until recently, this is the view I continued to hold. Yet speaking with people recently has proven that adults fro...

It's Cheaper Down the Pub

  Photo Credit: David Holden ( @yesaleblog ) Pouring Track Brewing Sonoma at Stalybridge Buffet Bar.  Doing the rounds the past couple of weeks has been a discussion about where people do their drinking and/or why many choose to drink at home rather than socially.It was discussed on the latest Hopinions show podcast and on blogs by Pete McKerry and Boak and Bailey. I’m biased as I’m a   staunch defender of pubs and would like to see more people use them. Continuous images on Twitter and Instagram suggest that a lot of people I interact with over social network do not agree. For the main, a lot of the reasons given as to why they choose to stay at home I understand and sympathise with. What I can’t get m y head around is the stance – that makes up a quarter of the responses in this Hopinions poll – that it is cheaper to drink at home. I do not question the fact that it certainly can be cheaper to drink at home. When a 4-pack of Sainte Etienne i...