I may as well get this grandiloquence over with now as it
will only build over the next few weeks as Euro 2012 approaches. I’ll try to be
brief and inoffensive.
I’m a big football fan and I always have been. I was long
before I was reaching drinking age and discovered the wonders of beer variety.
I was long before beer had politics and when I still believed it was only
something to enjoy. Unfortunately, there seems to be large numbers within the
beer community who, don’t simply dislike football, but resent it and belittle
those that don’t.
There are a lot of stereotypes to beer enthusiasts; namely
that they are trainspotter sorts, with great beards and a poor dress sense. I
suppose there are stereotypes to football fans as well. This is why I find it
so disgusting that there are so many prejudiced people around determined to
force these stereotypes on everyone. Are we not allowed other interests away
from God’s nectar? Or is there a limit to what hobbies are permitted.
Personally, I couldn’t care less if you enjoy your craft beer with a teenage
vampire film or a Kennebunkport Surprise – it’s your life!
Two events on Twitter have frustrated me on this subject in
the past week. Firstly, after having a few days off the booze, I sent a couple
of football related tweets out and promptly lost a number of beer enthused
followers, as if they thought that thinking of anything but ale is completely
desuetude. Then, Port Street sent out a few tweets proudly boasting that they
weren’t showing any of the football. (We know this. There aren’t any screens.)
They then boasted again, then declared their hatred for football. I’m sure they
were just playing innocent, but I immediately felt derisory and unworthy of
their bar. (I quickly got over it – I was there twice this weekend.)
I understand the why the majority of modern craft beer bars
don’t bother with television screens or live sports and it is not something I begrudge
or lament. It’s because in these places the beer is the focus, as is the
conversation and distractions aren’t a necessity. It isn’t because sport is a
loutish past-time or an evil, wicked device.
So before the big kick off, let’s just all learn to live and
let live. You get back to your cross-stitching and I’ll put the soccer on and
let’s all enjoy ourselves with great beer as we do it. If I can find a craft
beer bar that’s showing the football then I’ll see you there, for I can think
of no better way to enjoy Holland v Denmark than with a bottle of De Molen Hel
& Verdoemenis and a Mikkeller I Beat You. Now there’s a thought, somewhere should
really make the most of this European fest…