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The Beermoth - Some Good News

So far in the year 2013 I’ve only written four posts (the Advent calendar one does not count) and they have mostly been rants or rather disparaging reports of events or bars I’ve visited. I’ve taken a little bit of stick for this, undeserved considering it is the times I feel most passionate about a certain occurrence that I feel the desire to put it into words. 

Anyway, since passion also breeds happiness I felt compelled to express my joy at my first visit this weekend to a brand new beer shop in the centre of Manchester. We’ve been lacking a great beer shop in the city centre for so long that the thought has crossed my mind on more than one occasion to just open one myself. Finally, somebody with a little more providence than myself has gone about doing this in the form of the BeerMoth.

Seeing as it’s in the heart of the Northern Quarter, the area I frequent the most in the city centre, this couldn’t be more conveniently placed for me. The shop only opened at the beginning of last month and somehow escaped under my radar completely. Located next to Tib Street Tavern, the shop still feels very new and does come across bare in patches. There is a focus on your rarer, sometimes pricier, treats, with ranges such as a good selection of Cantillon brews and beers from American brewery “The Bruery” being just some of the examples. Whilst the variety and assortment is certainly exciting, my only criticism would be to pad the stock out with some more basic brews for the less concerted drinker. There are large ranges from the likes of Red Willow, Mallinsons and The Kernel, but Fyne ales, for example, are only represented by their recent Superior and Sublime range where I would like to see more of their standard range available too. It was nice to see Brooklyn Black Ops offered, but then again it’d be just as good to see Brooklyn Brown Ale stood next to it.

Having said that, this is advice, not criticism as I am more interested in the beers that aren’t always readily available to me. With this in mind, and with a 5 bottle limit in my head, I chose one of my favourites in Green Flash’s Barley Wine, as well as efforts from Dark Horse, Birra del Borgo and Beavertown. There was also a collaboration Christmas beer from Nogne, Jolly Pumpkin and Stone, which I never knew even existed, that I had to have. There isn’t really a drink to dislike in this shop. A selection of any five from the shop would have been more than satisfactory.

The staff were really knowledgeable as well as determined to offer advice and experience which was most welcome. I’m really excited that such a place finally exists in Manchester. I wish them luck and really hope they are well supported in turn. I’ll be returning all too frequently.

So there you are; positivity, good news, something to smile about finally in 2013. It’s not frowns all the time you know.


Curmudgeon said…
So what are the prices like?
Mark Johnson said…
The regular range British brews and some of the more frequently seen Belgian and German efforts (such as Orval) are in the £2.50 - £3.50 range. The rarer bottles or big imports are comparitable to the price you would see on websites so it really depends on the beer. Brooklyn Black Ops was £27 for example...
Curmudgeon said…
4 PBAs for £5 in ASDA - not much comparison, really...
Tandleman said…
"I’ve taken a little bit of stick for this, undeserved " No. Very deserved actually.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
It's really an attractive and well described post regarding The Beermoth.I appreciate your posted photos.Thanks for sharing such an interesting post.
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