I'd like to talk to you about your actions outside
of work.
You might take your dog for a walk. People own dogs
so do things with them but it can't be because they want to.
You might go for a run or play a sport. People do
physical activities for exercise but, again, I'm not sure they should be
enjoying it.
You might stay in and watch a few episodes of that
television series you are enjoying.
You might do some baking. Maybe you like baking.
You might crochet. You might garden. You might
order a takeaway. You might go to the local pub. You might do some homework
with your child. You might see a neighbour. You might go to your evening
Spanish language class. You might have a beer.
Ah, that's what I'm here to talk to you about. That
beer you might be having.
Nobody should be making rational, human decisions
themselves. It is disgraceful.
You might be thinking about having beers. You like
beers. You know the type of beers...
The after work beers.
The beers with a friend beers.
The beer social event beers.
The at the bar beers.
The sat in front of your fireplace beers.
The barbecue beers.
The balcony beers.
The beer shed beers.
The Quiz night beers.
The match day beers.
The Torrsday beers.
The Craft Beer Hour Beers.
The rainy day beers.
The weather is so good I can't think of anything
I'd rather be doing beers.
The walking up Arthur's Seat when you are incredibly
unfit and feel a sense of achievement.... canned Gin & Tonic.
The supping whilst cooking beers.
The nightcap beers.
The train beers.
The holiday beers.
The I can't afford a holiday beers.
The stressful day beers.
The celebration beers.
The I hate my job beers.
The I don't mind my job at all but today just
needed to end on a note I wanted and it so happens that I really fancied a beer
The I just fancied a beer beers.
The beer that was just a beer before a government
and societal mindset took hold that made me question every time I reached for a
beer as if a beer just casually consumed whilst continuing with anything in my
life that isn't driving is somehow irresponsible and makes me answerable to the
establishment beers.
The keg beers.
The cask beers.
The bottled beers.
The canned beers.
The beer that wouldn't be questioned if it were
wine beers.
The beers that you deserved.
The beers that you earned.
The beer that you didn't have to earn because doing
things that you enjoy isn't controlled or ruled by a need to reward yourself
through other means beers.
The waiting for transport beers.
The lunchtime beers.
The beers that I used to have with my friends on a
Tuesday night until they started to believe the popular guff that they were
wrong, unhealthy and disgusting humans for risking more than two pints on a
weekday evening beers.
The beers that were just beers.
That should be beers.
Before those beers were judged.
Before those beers were condemned.
Before beers involved risk assessment.
Now we're not saying that you should give up those
But what we are gradually doing is creating a
society that will question you every time you think of having a beer.
That the idea of drinking on non-governed
acceptable social occasions is akin to injecting heroin in front of a school
class that you entered illegally.
Watch what you enjoy.
Drink a little less (stop taking the dog for a
walk, going to the seaside, watching Game of thrones, eating pizza,
playing video games) and feel a lot better.
For more information visit the Drinkaware website.
Or read the varying works of George Orwell. Just don't enjoy either.