I've cheated a little today. As explained one Day One, beers are chosen randonly by my workmates to save me actually having to fashion a calendar. Unfortunately today I was too ill to make it to work and still feel the worse for wear. But, in the interests of commitment and soldiering on I'm still going to have my beer, I've just chosen it myself as nobody had the chance to pick it for me. I've purposely opted for a low strength bitter I have relatively low hopes for as I don't think I'd enjoy today's offering much, whatever it were to be.
So it's Wadworth Brewery's Dray Bells 4.1% today, one of the atypical British offerings I bought for this season not exactly expecting nectar. Wadworth are a brewery I've not seen much of lately and think I've only ever tasted their 6X and Bishop's Tipple, the latter in non-bottle conditioned form. So let's get this over with.
Pouring a pallid amber, this beer has all the scent of a goldfish tank. The taste isn't particularly unpleasant by comparison, but this is a bottled best bitter I would have expected to come from the supermarket ten years ago. Plain and uninspiring, there are slight hints of orange and occassionally a presence of clove, but this is probably because I'm reaching for them so much that I'm bound to find them eventually. It's almost devoid of bittering malts though that is all there is. Forgettable and festive free.
Enjoy with: East 17 - Stay Another Day. A poor song wrapped in a pretty festive packaging that has somehow forged its legacy.