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Beer Advent Calendar Window Sixteen - Winter Weissbier

Time for some further hard-hitting journalism. I liked the look of Kapuziner Winter Weissbier whilst shopping online for Christmas beers for this calendar. I liked its scene on the label. I liked the flip-lid. I liked how it fitted into the theme. 

My German is a little rusty but, from what I can gather, the Kapuziner beer brands hail from a small, hilly brewery but are now owned by the Kulmbacher Brewery Corporation. Gosh, not very craft is it? 

Now that you've all learnt so much about this beer and its history, let's find out how it tastes under Beer Advent Calendar Window Sixteen. This is one of those occasions where I like how my nonsensical notes I've written whilst drinking the beer so I'm going to keep them as they are. Enjoy! 

"I'm a cotton headed ninny muggins." 

Kapuziner Winter Weissbier 5.4%

Pouring a flat, really murky orange colour, Banana Boonana Banana on the nose. Oh how minions would like this beer. I mean, at the back there's quite a bit of lemon rind too but boonanana!

Well the taste is powerfully carbonated. The hiccups/burps come immediately and cause chest pains before you can even begin to taste the beer. Not a great start. So after trying to sort my gullet out with a lot of water. I started to taste something... anything... what is it... well there's a cream, and banana, and toffee and oh my god... it's banoffee pie. This body is embodied by the flavour of banoffee pie. But around the edges there's a lemony bitterness and this sharp painful carbonation that doesn't let anything settle. It's really creamy on the mouthfeel and cream soda is certainly a flavour that keeps coming to the forefront of my mind, though it is outweighed by that banoffee pie. Unfortunately I'm hiccoughing and burping all over the place to really enjoy it. This could have been sensational. Instead its a bit painful. BOONAANA

Mince Pie pairing rating: 3/10 - adds butteriness to the base, but the flavours of the mincemeat don't really match it. 

Best Paired With: Banoffee Pie, obviously  


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